"Climbing Toward College and Career Readiness"


Welcome to the Ararat Charter School Special Education Page!

At Ararat Charter School, the Special Education Department is charged with educating students who have learning disabilities or physical needs. The Special Education Department is committed to providing a free, appropriate public education that will meet your child’s unique needs in the least restrictive environment. Just some of the services we currently provide are Specialized Academic Instruction also known as Resource, Speech-Language Therapy, Occupational and Physical Therapy, Adaptive Physical Education, and behavior intervention.  


We believe that every student deserves rigorous academic programs and classrooms that support high achievement. We also believe all students deserve recognition, respect, and opportunities to grow. Our mission is to ensure that all school communities and departments embrace students with disabilities and provide evidence-based supports and resources to ensure that every student thrives! 


I am honored to serve the students and families at Ararat Charter School. All of our staff extends a warm welcome to you and assure you that we recognize the challenges both you and your child may face. We appreciate your cooperation and partnership and will appropriately address the challenges and enjoy the celebrations of growth as a team! We look forward to meeting you in person!   

Meet our Team:

Samantha Parisen – SPED Coordinator

Dr. Amy Borghi – Resource Specialist Teacher

Jarely Valdez – SPED Aide

Melissa Hernandez – Behavior Intervention Implementation (BII)

Christina Torosian – Behavior Intervention Implementation (BII)

Armenuhi Nersesyan – Behavior Intervention Implementation (BII)


If you have questions about special education, please contact Samantha Parisen at 818-994-2904 or [email protected]

Special Education Resources

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